IADIL Basic & Advance level - Certifications

Get recognized in the developing world of technology


IAIDL basic Intensive and Comprehensive competency-based Training Program for anyone who wishes to become fully competent in the use of a AI and future tools without a previous knowledge in programming through using different effective user-friendly tools.

Basic level certification is aimed to help Leaders, Job Seekers, Employees from all sector make sense of the rapidly changing Tools shaping our future. Additionally, Improve essential future competencies required for successful agile businesses all over the world.
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IAIDL Advanced

IAIDL Advanced Certification is an Intensive and Comprehensive competency-based Training Program for (10X teams, Innovation teams, Transformation teams, IT Professionals and Directors) who wishes to become fully competent in the use of an AI and future tools. IAIDL-Advanced modules provide a technical program of up-to-date skills and knowledge areas which are validated by a test targeting candidates with prior knowledge in programming.

Both IAIDL Certifications are offered online monitored through AI.
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Block chain Icon
Block Chain

- Distributed electronics ledger that uses software algorithms to record and confirm transactions with reliability and anonymity.

- The record of events is shared between many -parties and information once entered cannot be altered, as the downstream chains reinforces upstream transactions.

- Build your first smart contract.

Drones Icon

- Air-or water-base devices and vehicles, for example, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), that fly or move without an onboard human pilot.

- Drones can operate autonomously (via on-board computer) on a predefined flights plan or be controlled remotely.

-Drive and learn Drone licensing.

Iot Icon
Internet of Things - IOT

- Network of objects – devices, vehicles, etc. embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity and compute capability, that can collect and exchange data over the internet.

- IOT enables devices to be connected and remotely monitored or controlled.

- Differentiate the difference between IOT and IOO.

Robots Icon

- Electro-mechanical machines or virtual agents that automate augment or assist human activities, autonomously or according to a set of instructions – often a computer program.

3D Printing Icon
3D Printing

- Additional manufacturing techniques used to create three-dimensional objects based on digital models by layering or “printing” successive layers of materials. 3D printing relies on innovative “inks” including plastic, and more recently, glass and wood.

VR Icon
Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

- Computer-generated simulation of a three- dimensional image or a complete environment, within a defined and contained space, that viewers can interact with in realistic ways.

- VR is intended to be an immersive experience and typically requires equipment, most commonly a helmet / headset.

-Additional of information or visuals to the physical world, via a graphics and / or audio.

- Overlay, to improve the user experience for a task or a product.

-This “augmentation” of the real world is achieved via supplemental devices that render and display said information.

Dig Data Icon
SMART Big Data

- Dealing with unstructured and structured data, Data Science is a field that comprises of everything that related to data cleansing, preparation, and analysis.

- Data Science is the combination of statistics, mathematics, programming, problem-solving, capturing data in ingenious ways, the ability to look at things differently, and the activity of cleansing, preparing and aligning the data.

- In simple terms, it is the umbrella of techniques used when trying to extract insights and information from data.

- Big Data humongous volumes of data that cannot be processed effectively with the traditional applications that exist. The processing of Big Data begins with the raw data that isn’t aggregated and is most often impossible to store in the memory of a single computer.

AI Icon
Artificial Intelligence AI

- Software algorithms that are capable of performing tasks that normally requires human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and language translation.

- AI is an “umbrella” concept that is made up of numerous subfields, such as machine learning, which focuses on the development of programs that can teach themselves to learn, understand, reason, plan and act. (i.e. become more intelligent) when expose to new data in the right quantities.

IAIDL Certifications

IAIDL offers individual professionals two levels of certifications, a basic level which is a prerequisite and an advanced level certificate both of which are earned after an adaptive pre-assessment & an exam.

IAIDL offers institutions an IAIMA certification which is an international artificial intelligence maturity assessment certifications, that assess an organization’s level of AI Maturity so that the organization can recognize The Artificial intelligence readiness, at one of three possible levels — Foundational , Operational , Transformational .

Mode of Training:
Preferred timing for training:
Education and Experience - AI and FMT
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